
FrameKey Features

User Accounts

Login and register for Framer

Simple & Secure Authentication for Framer – Easily add login and registration with email/password or Google SSO to your Framer projects with seamless user management.

Weekly overview



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You spend 20% less than last week

Weekly overview



You are doing Great!

You spend 20% less than last week







Stripe Integration

Stripe Integration

Stripe Integration

Purchase links to Stripe

Drag and drop add purchase links, by simply suppling Stripe price ID for the product, enabling secure payments and automatic license key generation.

Licence Keys

Licence Keys

Licence Keys

Licence Key Generation

Your users can instantly create and assign unique license keys for your products upon purchase, ensuring secure access and control.

Licence keys can be verified on your backend easily with FrameKey API.

Weekly overview



You are doing Great!

You spend 20% less than last week

Weekly overview



You are doing Great!

You spend 20% less than last week

Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

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