How it works

How it works

How it works

Learn how to use FrameKey


Create account with FrameKey & setup

Create an account below and sign up to your desired plan.

Create Account

Create Account


Install FrameKey Framer Plugin

Install FrameKey Framer Plugin from official Framer plugin store.

Copy your licence key from dashboard to the Framer Plugin.

Add required Stripe keys to FramerPlugin.

Sales Performance

Apr 30 - May 30

Sales Performance

Apr 30 - May 30


Add Framer components to your site

Add dashboard components and style to your thene.

Add purchase buttons by using Stripe product id

Stats & sales

Stats & sales



Connect your product to FrameKey API

Now time to verify your customers within your own SaaS / digital product!

Simply use a REST API endpoint to check licence key is valid.

Stats & sales

Stats & sales


Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

Stripe Subscriptions
Made Easy with Framer

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